• TRUTH is the ultimate goal. News reports should be free of opinion or bias and represent all sides of an issue.
• Accuracy is Job #1. Get the facts straight. If your mother says she loves you, check it out.
• Be especially careful with people’s names---spell them correctly!
• Every story should use multiple sources. Look for people who can corroborate information as well as those who can lend additional perspectives.
• Don’t be afraid to ask for interviews with prominent people. University officials are generally more than happy to speak with Clause reporters, and usually sources off campus will be, too. Be sure to return their professional courtesy by accurately reporting what they’ve said.
• Whenever possible, avoid email interviews. If necessary, simply tell the source that it’s Clause policy that interviews be conducted in person except in extraordinary circumstances. Phone interviews are an acceptable compromise. Email interviews are only to be conducted with explicit permission of the editor in chief.
• Never allow your source to review an article before publication. Specific concerns should be directed to the editors or the advisor. On personal profiles, we do collaborate more with the sources regarding the theme and focus of the piece. The reporter’s choice of focus should “ring true” to the person you are writing about. Don’t share copy, but do discuss the focus and general progression of the story with the person you are writing about.
Inverted Pyramid