The Pub Hub

A Resource for Student Publication Workshop

Doing a review on a campus event such as a play is a sensitive issue, but that doesn’t mean it should be avoided. It simply means that there has to be a level of tact when critiquing. This is not meant to hinder the reviewer’s opinions, but to create a more solidified argument. It’s easy to say a movie sucks and not back it up (though still not a professional approach) since we don’t know the creators, but plays need to be looked at through a different lens. There will always be something good in a bad show, and there will always be something bad in a good show. I want to see that the pros and cons. It’s your opinion but that shouldn’t mean that the presentation of your review, or argument, should read any less professionally. Here’s what do observe…

How was the stage set up? Were scene changes smooth? Should they have done a simpler or more advanced set?

Was it decent or painful? Was the spotlight steady? Did they do anything technical or eye-catching?

Sound (point out technical problems, but do not use them as the norm to create an opinion)
Were there any extra sounds from off-stage to enhance scenes?

Were the actors’ movements believable or did they seem too rehearsed? Were there any moments that stuck out? Did the actors only stay on the stage or utilize their setting in a smaller theatre? If so, did it work?

Were the actors’ lines clearly understood? Did their tone sound believable? What were they doing when they weren’t acting and did that seem believable? Were they anticipating their lines or acting in the moment (simply meaning, did the acting seem natural)? Did the show evoke any emotion out of you?

The writing
This is where it gets a little tricky. If you, as the reviewer, do not like the storyline it may distort your view of certain other aspects of the show, but don’t let this happen. Keep an open mind. If you don’t like the storyline, it’s still possible that the actors could have done a great job. Don’t become so annoyed with the writing that you can’t critique the other parts.

This is only if there is any dancing. Was the dancing smooth or did it look like actors learned certain moves during the show and truly couldn’t move like a dancer? Was the choreography creative or basic?

Show Style
Was the show a comedy, drama, musical, classical or a mix? Time period? Was the acting serious of slapstick? Did it work?

Because this is an on-campus event, realize that you will run into people in this show. As the rock-journalist said “Be brutally honest,” but I will add the importance of saying in a constructive way. Don’t take stabs that I would when reviewing an album or movie. You don’t have to cover every point equally, but know them all for background when you write. If you’re not a theatre geek and don’t know what to talk, I’ll walk you through after you see the play. It’s based off what you felt about the show, so simply describe your feelings in a respectful way and if you loved the show, be able to point out flaws.