Any student in this course who has a disability that might prevent him/her from demonstrating his/her abilities should meet with an adviser in the Learning Enrichment Center as soon as possible to initiate disability verification and to discuss accommodations that may be necessary to ensure full participation in the classroom and successful completion of course requirements.
The dynamic of this course permits me to be a coach to you without much fear of the grade issue during the semester. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any point of the writing or creating process. If the stress of your life and school reaches unbearable levels, come talk to me (or maybe even before the unbearable level). My hope is that this class provides a place to grow professionally and that you enjoy that process.
This is only a 1-unit course on your transcript, but this is really the pinnacle course for Journalism students. Like a theater student’s involvement in a play or a music students extra hours put into rehearsals and performances, The Clause is designed to give you hands-on experience along with the bonus of earning credit hours for participating in this learning lab. Please talk to me to let me know how we can make this experience beneficial to your learning and to make it encouraging to your future career.